8/100 dried sardine/ niboshi 煮乾し🐟

Though soup stock for the combination of bonito flakes and kelp is, I would say, the most general in Japan, the one made from dried sardine is still
popular. We can find this dried sardine for soup stock in almost all the supermarket here.

Sometimes we also eat this as a snack (you can stir-fry with sesame oil for snack as well!). It's satisfying and great for dieting since we need to give enough bites. Also cats love this (we need to be careful since it contains salt).

Just a quick memo how to make this broth. First, get rid of the head and the black guts. Tear in half. Soak them in water for at least 30 minutes in a pot. Heat the pot and bring it to boil. Simmer 5-10 minutes while removing the lye. Discard the sardines.

Today I made miso soup with this soup stock!

Fish price of the day (1 package): 5 USD


9/100 Bigfin reef squid/ aori ikaアオリイカ🐟


7/100 firefly squid /hotaruika ホタルイカ🐟