3/100 Squid/ 烏賊 ika🐟

I visited Korean town in Osaka. Before going there the one in Tokyo (Shin Okubo) had been my favorite but now the one in Osaka took over the champion rank😂

A skinny handroll/ temaki was the first snack we tried on the street of the town in Osaka. Kimchi flavored squid guts was rolled inside. At the moment I fell in love in this snack❤️‍🔥

This is an hommage to the town❤️‍🔥Today I made my version with raw squid kimchi we bought in Osaka (since we were on a bike whole day, we sent it with cool package to Tokyo with clothes and some books, which went chilled too)😜

The town was filled with completely market bubbly vibes and I bought fruit kimchi and green onion kimchi too for curiosity😘

Fish price of the day (1 package): 4 USD


4/100 Cod roe/ tarako たらこ🐟


2/100 Scorpion fish/かさご kasago